Sea Green of Appledore

Josie's Blog

workshops for 2012

Hello everyone.

And a happy new year in advance ( my resolution is to try and be early for everything)

Everyone’s asking about the workshops I’m planning for 2012, and as usual I’d like to be as flexible as possible.

I will be doing the three mornings most weeks that’s Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I’m thinking jewellery and applique cushion covers to start with but as usual if you’ve got an idea we can have a go.

I’d also like to do some special dates for shabby chic furniture and other popular requests possibly for whole days but I’ll get back later with that one.

Just get in touch in the usual way, through the contact page, the mulled wines all gone but I’ve stocked up with jaffa cakes.

See you soon Josie x

Posted 656 weeks ago