Sea Green of Appledore

Josie's Blog



Even though we’ve had the most amazing weather lately, Autumn is upon us and the shops are quieter with children back at school, therefore fewer visitors.

I’ve stopped my daily craft workshops but am still happy to do them for two or more people, bookable in advance.

I am however about to start a Tuesday group from 10 to 12am covering many popular crafts where you can have a go at something new or brush up on an old skill whilst meeting up with people and making new friends.

I have been accused of starting a geriatric playgroup but really it will be open to all adults about 10 max so get in touch if you want to book a place, I’m about to put more info on my workshop page so have a look!!!

I’ve been asked if I’ll do gift vouchers for workshops and Xmas gifts so I’m sorting that out too, I’ll be in touch with more news very soon,

Enjoy the sunshine !!!! JOSIE x

Posted 668 weeks ago