Sea Green of Appledore

Josie's Blog

Workshop update

Hello All,

SEA GREEN of APPLEDORE seems to have found it’s way on to the map.

Even though I could'nt afford any advertising word has spread and I now have a steady stream of customers.

However, as I really intend to stick to my dream of making virtually everything myself I need to cut down on workshops to give myself time for creativity.

SO… I will now be running workshops, bookable on line, by text or through the shop on Tuesdays for Mosaic.. Wednesdays for Jewellery making… and Thursdays for Driftwood .

more detailes can be found on my workshops page.

Hope to see you all soon Josie x

Posted 631 weeks ago
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Posted 642 weeks ago

Easter Onwards---Workshops

Hello everyone, I’ve been really busy making stock for the summer but I’ve suddenly started getting workshop enquiries so I thought I’d better do an update.

Summer afternoon workshop are now up and running and the winter morning workshops are now on hold till after the seasons finished, can’t fit in both with the shop to run as well.

So workshop’s are now most afternoons 2am till 4ish and you will go away with at least one finished piece.

You have a choice of driftwood, mosaic or jewellery and the first to book get to choose what we do on any particular day.Groups are limited to 6 places, Children over ten can come alone or younger children depending on ability with an adult.

The cost is £20.00 including all materials and refreshments, you don’t need to bring anything.

Well hope to see you soon and enjoy the sunshine,


Posted 642 weeks ago
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Posted 649 weeks ago
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Posted 650 weeks ago

Winter woolies on !!!

Hello everyone, we’ve been practicing crochet, just in time for the big freeze I’ve got the wool and hooks if you’ve always meant to learn. you’ll master the basics in one morning so you can go home and finish a lovely cosy scarf in a day, crochet is much, much quicker and easier than knitting.

Also mosaic is very popular again, I’ll include a picture to inspire you, Best wishes


Posted 650 weeks ago
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Posted 654 weeks ago
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Posted 654 weeks ago

workshops for 2012

Hello everyone.

And a happy new year in advance ( my resolution is to try and be early for everything)

Everyone’s asking about the workshops I’m planning for 2012, and as usual I’d like to be as flexible as possible.

I will be doing the three mornings most weeks that’s Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I’m thinking jewellery and applique cushion covers to start with but as usual if you’ve got an idea we can have a go.

I’d also like to do some special dates for shabby chic furniture and other popular requests possibly for whole days but I’ll get back later with that one.

Just get in touch in the usual way, through the contact page, the mulled wines all gone but I’ve stocked up with jaffa cakes.

See you soon Josie x

Posted 656 weeks ago

More workshops !!!!!!

Thursday 10th November.

Hi everyone, due to demand I’m starting yet another craft group I’d rather do this than make the groups bigger as we’d lose that relaxed feel if I have to rush around helping too many people and making sure that everyone is happy.

So we now have Tuesday, wednesday and thursday groups runnung at the moment I do have a couple of spaces in each group but you must check with me that there is still room before turning up.

Planned for next week are jewellery especially with buttons. drift wood candle holders and beginners embroidery.

Just email using my contact form if you’re interested and I’ll get back to you.

See you soon Josie..

Posted 663 weeks ago
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Posted 663 weeks ago

more craft groups!!!!

Hello Everyone,

I’ve just got back from Barcelona with loads of inspiration and new ideas for the shop and workshops.

I’ve got to get busy now making things for Christmas, but in the meantime I’ve done my first Tuesday group. We had a really good time and with endless ideas bouncing around for the next one it’s full again for next week.


Therefore… I’m starting a THURSDAY GROUP same time 10.00 till 12.00, just contact me in the usual ways to book a place, I’m planning to make printing blocks for your own Christmas cards as well as junk mail wreaths and anything you can come up with that the others like the sound of.

So just email. txt or pop in to the shop.

See you soon Josie,

Posted 664 weeks ago


Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr this change in the weather makes me think of curling up somewhere warm and cosy with an exciting new project to start on.

November 1st will be the first of my Tuesday workshops, so if you fancy having a go at something new I’ve got some intriguing ideas.

Pop into the shop and I’ll tell you all about it,

only 10 spaces so it wont be too crouded.


Posted 668 weeks ago



Even though we’ve had the most amazing weather lately, Autumn is upon us and the shops are quieter with children back at school, therefore fewer visitors.

I’ve stopped my daily craft workshops but am still happy to do them for two or more people, bookable in advance.

I am however about to start a Tuesday group from 10 to 12am covering many popular crafts where you can have a go at something new or brush up on an old skill whilst meeting up with people and making new friends.

I have been accused of starting a geriatric playgroup but really it will be open to all adults about 10 max so get in touch if you want to book a place, I’m about to put more info on my workshop page so have a look!!!

I’ve been asked if I’ll do gift vouchers for workshops and Xmas gifts so I’m sorting that out too, I’ll be in touch with more news very soon,

Enjoy the sunshine !!!! JOSIE x

Posted 668 weeks ago